낚시꾼의 일상생활

낚시바늘 매듭

뉴욕낚시꾼 2014. 5. 8. 00:25

도미낚시갈때 제일많이 쓰는 낚시바늘 매듭인데 깜빡하면 도무지 생각이 안난다.

까먹으면 다시봐야지... ^^;; 사서쓰는건 도무지 용납이 안됨. 

A better method of forming a loop, or loops, in the line above the sinker is to use the old Dropper Loop. This draws into a knot that stands out at right angles to the line.

If desired, the loops can be made long enough to have a hook set on them. And once again, this is not a good practice unless the fish are biting-mad, which they rarely are.

  1. Form a loop in the line.
  2. Take hold of one side of the loop, and make 6 or more turns around the line itself.
  3. This is the tricky part - keep open the point where the turns, or twists, are being made.
  4. Take hold of the other side of the loop, and pull it through the centre opening. use a finger in this loop so that it is not lost.
  5. Hold this loop between the teeth. Pull gently on both ends of the line, making the turns gather and pack down on either side of the loop.
  6. Draw up the knot by pulling the lines as tightly as possible. The turns will make the loop stand at right angles to the line.

Dropper Loop

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